Directory of Listed Products


  Class: Roof Coverings - Fire Rated  
  Customer: Tropical Timberwoods, Inc.  

15476 NW 77th Court, #217

Miami Lakes, Florida 33016

  Listing No.: B1057  
  Project No.: B1057-1 Ed. 1  
  Effective Date: February 4, 2013  
  Last Revised: N/A  
  Expires: N/A  

ASTM E108 – “Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Roof Coverings

UL 790 – “Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Roof Coverings

UL 2218 – “Impact Resistance of Prepared Roof Covering Materials”

UL 1897 – “Uplift Tests for Roof Covering Systems


  Graded To:

CSSB-97 - Grading and Packing Rules for Western Red Cedar Shakes and Western Red Shingles of the Cedar Shake and Shingle Bureau”.

UBC 15-3 - “Uniform Building Code Standard 15-3 Wood Shakes”.

UBC 15-4 - “Uniform Building Code Standard 15-4 Wood Shingles”.


Turada® Hardwood Shingles & Shakes Roof Covering Products


Listed product are packaged in bundles, with a finished product label bearing the following information: Product Name (Turada®), Manufacturer Name, QAI Logo with the “us” indicator, date of manufacture, and Class A fire classification rating.


Assembly 1:

Class A Fire Rated Applications (Does not Include Wind or Impact Resistance): Unlimited Slope

Minimum ˝ inch thick Densdeck Installed over Spaced or Solid Sheathing Minimum 30 lbs felt meeting ASTM D226 Turada® Shingles or Shakes Installed in Accordance with Manufacturer’s Installation Instructions

Assembly 1 is for fire classified roofing applications.  For wind resistant and impact resistant applications, see Assembly 2.

Assembly 2:

52 psf Wind Uplift Resistant Assembly / Class 4 Impact Resistant Assembly (Does not Include Fire Rated Applications)

Minimum 1" thickeness solid or spaced sheathing Minimum 30lbs felt meeting ASTM D226 Turada® Shingles or
Shakes Installed in Accordance with
 Manufacturer’s Installation Instructions
 (minimum 2 ring shank roofing nails of 1-3/4’’ length per shingle).

Assembly 2 is for wind resistant and impact resistant applications.  For fire classified roofing applications, see Assembly 1.

 Note: Ultimate load achieved = 156 psf.  52 psf allowable noted is based on factor of safety of 3 applied.


Final acceptance of the product in the intended application is to be determined by the authority having jurisdiction.

Product is to be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s published instructions by qualified installation personnel.


  The materials, products or systems listed in this directory have been qualified to bear the QAI Listing Mark under the conditions stated with each Listing. Only those products bearing the QAI Listing Mark are considered to be listed by QAI.

No warrantee is expressed or implied, and no guarantee is provided that any jurisdictional authority will accept the Listing found herein. The appropriate authorities should be contacted regarding the acceptability of any given Listing.

Questions regarding this listing may be directed to Please include the listing number in the request.


Copyright QAI Laboratories, 2013