- Fire-protection rating – means the time minutes or hours that a closure will withstand the passage of flame when exposed to fire under specified conditions of test and performance criteria, or as otherwise prescribed in the Code.
- Fire-resistance rating – means the time in minutes or hours that a material or assembly of materials will withstand the passage of flame and the transmission of heat when exposed to fire under specified conditions of test and performance criteria, or as determined by extension or interpretation of information derived therefrom as prescribed in the Code.
- Flame-spread rating – means an index or classification indicating the extend of spread-of-flame on the surface of a material or an assembly of materials as determined in a standard fire test as prescribed in the Code.
- Fire separation – means a construction assembly that acts as a barrier against the spread of fire.
- Firewall – means a type of fire separation of noncombustible construction that subdivides a building or separates adjoining buildings to resist the spread of fire and that has a fire-resistance rating as prescribed in the Code and has structural stability to remain intact under fire conditions for the required fire-rated time.
- Party wall – means a wall jointly owned and jointly used by 2 parties under easement agreement or by right in law and erected at or upon a line separating 2 parcels of land each of which is, or is capable of being, a separate real-estate entity. With the exception of some Part 9 residential occupancies, both Part 3 and Part 9 of the Code require that, where party walls are constructed on property lines, they be constructed as 2- or 4-hour firewall.