Fenestration products serve as openings in the building envelope. It is imperative that windows and doors are weather tight and structurally sound. This test method is used to determine the rate of air leakage, water resistance, structural performance, forced entry resistance, among other tests. The test results facilitate manufacturer, consultants and code officials the ability to ensure that the product will meet building design and building codes.
Air filtration is determined by a high precision mass flow meter while the specimen is subjected to a constant air pressure differential. For water resistance tests, specimens are checked for water penetration under cyclic and static air pressure, which simulates differing storm conditions. QAI tests apparatus ensures that all test samples receive the necessary water application at the required test pressure conditions.
Test results determine if water penetration occurs inside the product or wall cavity. For the uniform load tests, the specimen’s structural integrity is evaluated while prescribed static high pressure differential is created across the specimen, simulating both positive and negative wind loads. QAI uses precise digital instrumentation to measure permanent set and deflection readings under ratios established by the standard.
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Founded in 1995 by a group of experienced certification and testing experts, QAI is an independent third-party testing, inspection and certification organization which serves the building industry, government and individuals with cost effective solutions through our global, in-house capabilities / services.
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Dear Valued Client, Subject: Announcing the publication of the 2023 Alberta Edition
QAI Laboratories is pleased to announce the acquisition of ATRONA Test Labs,
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