ZS2 Technologies Limited
Building Products Listing Program
- ZS2 Technologies Limited
- Structural Panels
- Calgary, Alberta
- B1141
- B1141-2 Edition 1
- December 15, 2023
- December 15, 2023
- N/A
Testing Application Standard (TAS) 201
Impact Test Procedures.
Testing Application Standard (TAS) 202
Criteria for testing Impact and Nonimpact Resistant Building Envelope Components Using Uniform Static Air Pressure.
Testing Application Standard (TAS) 203
Criteria for Testing Products Subject to Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading.
Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials.
ASTM D1929
Standard Test Method for Determining Ignition Temperature of Plastics.
Standard Specification for Rigid, Cellular Polystyrene Thermal Insulation.
NFPA 286
Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Evaluating Contribution of all and Ceiling Interior Finish to Room Fire Growth.
TechPanel™ Structurally Insulated Panels.
Product is marked with labels supplied by ZS2 Technologies Ltd. The label includes:
a) ZS2 name and address
b) Product name
c) Date of manufacture
d) QAI Listing number (B1141)
e) Flame Spread / Smoke Developed Rating (FSI < 25, SDI < 450)
f) QAI listing number: B1142-2
g) QAI logo with ‘us’ identifier shown below:Labels are applied to palletized finished products to ensure visibility on the jobsite.
The following outlines TechPanel™ performance determined in accordance with the noted standards.
TechPanel™ foam plastic core component is classified as Type I expanded polystyrene (EPS) thermal insulation complying with ASTM C578.
TechPanel™ has the following surface burning characteristics determined in accordance with ASTM E84:
TechPanel™ Surface
≤ 5
TechPanel™ EPS Core
(164 mm)
≤ 251
≤ 450
Note 1: Ceiling measurement only. This measurement is conducted through determination of flame spread index and smoke developed index with the removal of any contribution of molten materials ignited on the floor of the tunnel assembly.
Note 2: Classification is for interior finish. As core is EPS foam plastic insulation, this material is not intended for interior surface exposure, and is not provided a “Class” rating, as this core is required protected by a code prescribed thermal barrier.
TechPanel™ EPS foam plastic core component has a spontaneous ignition temperature ≥ 650oF when evaluated in accordance with ASTM D1929.
TechPanel™ compliant NFPA 286 alternate thermal barrier configurations:
Minimum ½’’ TechBoard™
Type I
(1.0 lbs/ft3)
5.5 inches
Double 2×6 SPF #2. Lumber is adhered and fastened at 6 inches on center 2 rows of nails 0.120 diameter head of 3 inches length.
Joint treatment including taping and mudding is optional.
Walls Only
TechPanel™ compliant TAS 201, TAS 202, TAS 203 configurations1,2,3,4
TAS 202 / TAS 203 DP5
Minimum ½’’ TechBoard™ attached around perimeter with 2-1/2 inch length ring shank nails at 3 inches on center.
Type I
6.5 inches
10 ft
Double 2×6 SPF #2. Lumber is adhered and fastened at 6 inches on center 2 rows of nails 0.120 diameter head of 3 inches length.
Large Missile
110 psf
Note 1: TechPanelTM installation includes adhered and nailed top and double sill lumber plates, with lumber plates
glued into TechPanelTM. Plates are connected to code compliant slab and floor assemblies.Note 2: TechPanelTM connections to slab and floor lines are required as part of Engineering Design for site and are outside the scope of this report. See manufacturer’s installation instructions.
Note 3: TechPanelTM resistance to anticipated service loads, including but not limited to axial capacity, racking shear, and seismic are to be determined in accordance with the applicable code and are to be part of the Engineering Design for site approved by the authority having jurisdiction.
Note 4: TechPanelTM requires installation of a code complying water-resistive barrier and exterior cladding in accordance with the applicable code. Connection details for the exterior cladding are required part of the Engineering Design for site.
Note 5: DP = Design Pressure, determined in accordance with TAS 202 static pressure evaluation with a factor of safety of 1.5 applied, and subsequent TAS 203 cyclic evaluation.
Final acceptance of the product in the intended application is to be determined by the authority having jurisdiction.
Product is to be installed in accordance with the QAI Design Listing and manufacturer’s published installation instructions by qualified installing personnel. -
QAI maintains ISO/IEC 17065 accreditations via the International Accreditation Service (IAS) for the United States and Canada. Typically, certifications under this accreditation do not require the Seal of a Professional Engineer in order to be accepted by the authority having jurisdiction. Should a Professional Engineer Seal be needed, please select from the highlighted States / Provinces that are available for this specific manufacturer’s file. If a specific State / Province is not available, you may email info@qai.org to request if a sealed document is available for that jurisdiction.
The materials, products or systems listed in this directory have been qualified to bear the QAI Listing Mark under the conditions stated with each Listing. Only those products bearing the QAI Listing Mark are considered to be listed by QAI.
The standard herein listed is the currently accepted version within the relevant certification scheme, code or other requirements unless otherwise noted. Transition periods may apply. Upon request, QAI will provide information about the validity of any of its certifications.
No warrantee is expressed or implied, and no guarantee is provided that any jurisdictional authority will accept the Listing found herein. The appropriate authorities should be contacted regarding the acceptability of any given Listing.
Visit the QAI Online Listing Directory located at www.qai.org for the most up to date version of this Listing and to validate that this QAI Listing is active. Questions regarding this listing may be directed to info@qai.org. Please include the listing number in the request.