Pre-scans are performed in our 3 meter Semi-Anechoic Chamber. There are many advantages for testing in Semi-Anechoic Chambers, including no ambient RF signals, accurate data, repeatable results and controlled environmental conditions. For R & D purposes performing pre-scans in an semi-anechoic chamber is the preferred method by most design engineers.
Final 3 meter and 10 meter RF emissions testing is completed at our state of the art 10 meter Open Area Test Site (OATS) located at Silver Valley Road in the UBC Malcolm Knapp Research Forest. The OATS is a partially enclosed 3 and 10 meter site. The central enclosure is constructed from Sintra plastic with nylon fasteners. The Semi-Anechoic Chamber (SAC) is a fully enclosed and shielded chamber constructed by ETS Lindgren. Final 3 meter measurements from 9 kHz to 40GHz can be performed in the SAC which meets NSA requirements for ANSI 63.4 and 63.7 from 30 MHz to 1 GHz and CISPR Site VSWR requirements up to 18 GHz.
Founded in 1995 by a group of experienced certification and testing experts, QAI is an independent third-party testing, inspection and certification organization which serves the building industry, government and individuals with cost effective solutions through our global, in-house capabilities / services.
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Dear Valued Client, Subject: Announcing the publication of the 2023 Alberta Edition
QAI Laboratories is pleased to announce the acquisition of ATRONA Test Labs,
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