Do you know if your product require EMC testing or certification? Industry expert Mark Harris published a great article to answer that and other related questions.

Many times, companies or individuals struggle with figuring out if they requires EMC testing or certification .On top of that it is not always easy to find the right certification body that will take you help you through the process.
In order to make the path easier for you, industry expert Mark Harris offers a great article that could help you to answer the following questions and more:
- Does my product require testing or certification?
- Are there different types of testing certifications
- My product does not have antennas or intended radiators. Do I still need my product certified?
- Can I go under the radar of authorities? What could be some of the implications?
- How to choose the right inspection laboratory?
- How much it costs to get a product certified?
The very comprehensive article will set a starting point for anyone who intends to sell their product and wants to avoid any type of restrictions from authorities or markets.
Read the full article here: EMC Certification and Your Product