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Do you know if your product require EMC testing or certification? Industry expert Mark Harris published a great article to answer that and other related questions. Many times, companies or individuals struggle with figuring out if they requires EMC testing or certification .On top of that it is not always easy to find the rightRead more
Korea Testing Certification (KTC) and QAI Laboratories (QAI) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) during a visit to QAI’s facility located near Los Angeles, California on August 13, 2018. The aim of the agreement is to develop coordinated activities and share expertise while breaking international technical barriers to trade. Both organizations will ensure goodRead more
The QAI China Team recently attended the 2018 China International RV and RV Components Expo in Beijing, China. China RV and RV components are fast growing market in recently several years, there are many good China RV components suppliers over the world, as well as many big brand components and whole RV import to ChinaRead more
In 2017 QAI was able to continue to take strides to seek out the best way to service our customers and offer the necessary services that are required. Over the past year the QA Team has been busy with preparing scope expansion packages to add new capabilities and test methods to our scopes of accreditationRead more
QAI is pleased to align ourselves with the Global Solar Certification Network (GSCN) whose aim is to facilitate cross-border trading for manufacturers and other suppliers of solar thermal products while minimizing the need for re-testing and re-certification in each new country where products are marketed and sold. The certification program applies to solar thermal collectorsRead more
QAI was recently selected by Technology Headlines Magazine as a top 10 QA/testing solutions provider! Steve Harris, CEO at QAI, gave an interview with the magazine where he touched on many important points about QAI. QAI’s customer focused approach was a main and recurring theme throughout the article. “The client remains the focus of our businessRead more
QAI is pleased to announce the addition of gas appliances and solid-fuel burning appliances to our IAS accreditation scope. As a certification body accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and International Accreditation Service (IAS), we are very excited to add new accreditation. Our team has worked diligently to expand this portion of our scope,Read more
QAI Is happy to announce that we have received accreditation from the Standards Council of Canada to conduct special inspections on electrical medical equipment using the SPE-3000 standard. With the hard work of our electrical team we were able to expand our scope, which presents an exciting opportunity for QAI as it allows us toRead more
Did you know? New or newly revised harmonized plumbing standards have been released. The first edition standard for Manually Operated Valves for Use in Plumbing Systems (ASME A112.4.14/CSA B125.14-2017) has been released and replaces ASME A112.4.14-2004 which addressed Manually Operated, Quarter-Turn Shutoff Valves only. The second editions of Flush Valves and Spuds for Water Closets,Read more
Founded in 1995 by a group of experienced certification and testing experts, QAI is an independent third-party testing, inspection and certification organization which serves the building industry, government and individuals with cost effective solutions through our global, in-house capabilities / services.
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Dear Valued Client, Subject: Announcing the publication of the 2023 Alberta Edition
QAI Laboratories is pleased to announce the acquisition of ATRONA Test Labs,
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